January 6, 2012


Remiss.  Sad.  Weak.

Since last update, life has been work dawn to dark, eating about 70% on the slow-carb with the other 30% made of beer and stress eating.

I'm looking for a place to live, falling in love with a girl, and not devoting enough time to myself.

Since last update, I've climbed three times at the gym, for fun, but trying hard.  Bouldering ~V6-7.

Weight is hovering near 162 w/ bodyfat 9-10% depending on day and hydration.

It hasn't snowed here in weeks and days have been cut from my schedule, but it's still too warm to climb ice.  Climbing rock is starting to sound appealing again. 

Right now my goals and obsessions surround moving to Park City and devoting myself to a particularly wonderful woman, so training will suffer.

The powderkeg is getting closer, as is the March Ouray trip.