December 11, 2011

LCC / Provo Canyon Ice Conditions 12/11/11

GREAT WHITE ICICLE (WI3):  In but not fat.

Coalpit #4?  Has some ice in it.

STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (WI 4-5): Some pitches in, some sun effect.

BVF Right (WI4-5): In
White Nightmare (WI4-5): In
BVF Left (WI4-5): Super thin

PIPE DREAM (WI 2-3/M2-3):  Mixed Conditions
Itchy & Scratchy (M2/3): No ice.
 Scratch and Sniff (M3):  Dry.


Fever, chills, headache.

I knew it was going around, but I was too cavalier about it.

December 9, 2011

Body Stats 12/9/11

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 163 lbs
BMI: 22.7 ('Normal')
% Bodyfat: 10.0%
Weekly Sleep Ave.: 7.7 hrs
Circumferences (cm):
  • R Forearm: 29.9
  • L Forearm: 29.0
  • R Bicep: 27.5
  • L Bicep: 26.5
  • Neck: 35.8
  • Chest (full inhale): 97.7
  • Waist (immediately below illiac crest): 83.3
  • Glutes: 95.0
  • R Quad: 54.5
  • L Quad: 54.8
  • R Calf: 39.1
  • L Calf: 39.7


I've been smoke free since Monday.  Spending lots of time in novel environments without behavior-triggering events and people has made not smoking very easy.  I've experienced only 2 or 3 real, hardcore cravings since Monday night.

This is also conclusion of week 1 of ski patrol.  The job is very physical, with tasks that emulate one-legged squats, holding a shallow squat for several minutes, deadlifting, punching bags, and others, all with the additional cold-stress. 

I anticipate that so long as I remain generally hydrated and I get enough sleep, this additional physical stress won't slow my training schedule and will also contribute to the 'toughness' aspect of training that can be hard to program for.

December 8, 2011


2 hours climbing, focus on onsighting, followed by
3 x 25 kettlebell swings #35.  At least 50% easier than the first time this exercise was performed.

December 4, 2011


Work on ski patrol begins tomorrow.  'On-hill training' for two weeks before they cut us rookies loose.

Training this week may be comprised of running toboggans and bootpacking.
2x ketllebell workout as on 12/2/11 will be additional goals.

That little bit of work is a surprising blast to the posterior chain-- sore from calves through glutes to shoulders.

December 2, 2011


One hour of bouldering at 70%
75 x 35# kettlebell swing.

November 27, 2011


Toured from the White Pine trailhead to upper Red Pine lake.

7 miles total, with about 3300' gained to around 10,200'.  Actual moving time up and down totaled around 2.5 hours.

I could feel that my legs are getting stronger... but I'm being held back by my lungs.  The quit date is set for a week from tomorrow, after which I can start coughing up all those chunks of tar.

November 26, 2011


In bounds skiing @ Alta on manky conditions, for 4.5 hours.

Surprisingly little residual soreness from yesterday's workout.  It made me want to puke, but I think with better eating, doing it twice would have been better.

November 25, 2011


"Big Sleeves" For time
{L Plank Benchpress (#25)
R Plank Curl (#25,25,20)
R Plank Benchpress (#25)
L Plank Curl (#25,25,20)
6x dips
6x pullups (last set assisted)
10x seated rows (#90,80,80)}

{10x military press (#12,15,20 dumbells)
30s wall sit}

total: 14:45

+6 min walking rest

Max in 2 minutes, rower then spin bike, no rest
541m, 1.25 mi

Had more to give the rower, but didn't.
Had less to give the bike, still didn't.

November 23, 2011


For the record, previous tours of the season:
Alta lot to Main Baldy 3.45 mi, 2400' 2.5 hours
Alta lot to Twin Lakes pass, 3 laps, 3.7 mi, 1825 ft
BCC to George's Bowl, Cardiff Fork 6.2 mi, 2650', 3.25 hrs

Season totals: 20.6 mi, 9965' over four days

November 22, 2011


Climbed 1.5 hours at the bouldering gym, unstructured focusing on slopers to keep from reinjuring my healing middle finger.

Then skied up cardiff fork from BCC, 7.5 miles total, 3059 feet gained, 2.25 hours round trip.  Stopped to take pictures and dig a pit as well.

It felt like hitting my head against a wall to move so fast, but it was redeemed by the view from the ridge and the 50 some continuous powder turns on the main face.

November 21, 2011


Yesterday was the first time that I hit the iron in some time.  Training has been a funny word for a while now-- just skiing or climbing has been my M.O., as has sitting around, drinking excessively, letting the smoking get out of control, and sacrificing sleep for dumb shit.

Today I'm sore.  Grateful for the stretching, cooldown, and contrast shower, but sore.  And it feels good.  My body feels deeply used, and it will grow stronger. 

This is what I want to feel.  I hope that the process of growing physically stronger will require the development of discipline and sacrifice that is so lacking in me right now.  Momentum is challenging, but the ball is rolling.

November 20, 2011

The Beginning

Warmup:  1000m row @ <1:50 split 

Four sets, ten reps each, 30s rest between sets:

DB bench press #30
DB Fly on bench #12
Dips (current max 6 per set)
Deadlift #95
Russian Twist w/10# ball, 30s x 4
2 x 500m row @ <1:40