March 20, 2012


Hiked and skied peak 3x
Including 'hippy chute', a no-fall line with a very dodgy entrance.

Then, at home,
30# kettle bell swing 25x3

March 18, 2012


This morning:
75x 30# kettlebell swing 50+25
25x2 pushups

Wasatch Powderkeg:
Placed 2nd in Heavy Metal division at 3:07:42, roughly 30 min faster than expected. Could have won the division if I'd drank water before 1:00, and if I'd fueled earlier, but I cramped on the last big climb and fell off pace quite a bit.

February 11, 2012


After work skin workout on Gotcha Cutoff.  At the bottom, started the clock before skins on, went up, down, up, down, skins on, stop clock.  Previous time for this double lap was 1:11:14 (particular variant had ~250 more vertical gain, but 1 fewer transition). 

Distance: 4.46 mi
Elevation Gain: 1340
Max Elevation: 8014 ft
Time: 49:23  Moving Time: 44:14
Transitions: 3 skins on, 2 skins off
Transition time: 5:09
Climbing speed ~ 1628/hr, though the grade of Gotcha is super gradual, and so it's hard to score vertical.

Transition times were the focus for today, and just paying attention and having a way to do them made them so much faster.  Last time was roughly 13 minutes of transition, with one fewer skins-on transition.  This came from having an order (Boot, binding, skin, one leg at a time, completely) and from recognizing downhill time as recovery time, so resting isn't needed at the transition.  Eating and drinking while skiing will speed this up further.

February 5, 2012

2/5/12 - Girl Look at the Body

There's been a long radio silence in here.  That's in part because my computer died and never returned, and in part because I slacked.  I kept climbing, but I stopped lifting.  I kept ski patrolling, but I stopped rowing.  I stayed active, but I stopped eating for performance.

Now I've invented a guillotine for myself.  I signed up for the Wasatch Powderkeg, and I did so in the race division.  As in, not rec division.  As in men in spandex suits kicking my ass.

The race is on March 10th, and it's 11 miles and 6000' vertical gain.  Last year last place came in at 4:08, first at 2:06.  My ego is going to be crushed.

Anyways, I've started training for this late.  My thinking is that volume is key right now.  Getting a good endurance base will do more for my speed than speed workouts will.  More time on skis means more time to work out transitions, fueling, pacing, etc.

Today was step 1.  Tour from Guardsman's pass lot at Empire via Daly Pk, Jupiter Pk, Pk 10420, to the top of Brighton, bottom of Great Western lift, and back again.  13.6 miles, 5750' vertical gain.  With a few breaks to say hi to folks around the way discounted, that took around 4.5 hours. 

 That's the starting point.  Off the sofa.  One month and change to affect change.

January 6, 2012


Remiss.  Sad.  Weak.

Since last update, life has been work dawn to dark, eating about 70% on the slow-carb with the other 30% made of beer and stress eating.

I'm looking for a place to live, falling in love with a girl, and not devoting enough time to myself.

Since last update, I've climbed three times at the gym, for fun, but trying hard.  Bouldering ~V6-7.

Weight is hovering near 162 w/ bodyfat 9-10% depending on day and hydration.

It hasn't snowed here in weeks and days have been cut from my schedule, but it's still too warm to climb ice.  Climbing rock is starting to sound appealing again. 

Right now my goals and obsessions surround moving to Park City and devoting myself to a particularly wonderful woman, so training will suffer.

The powderkeg is getting closer, as is the March Ouray trip.