December 11, 2011

LCC / Provo Canyon Ice Conditions 12/11/11

GREAT WHITE ICICLE (WI3):  In but not fat.

Coalpit #4?  Has some ice in it.

STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (WI 4-5): Some pitches in, some sun effect.

BVF Right (WI4-5): In
White Nightmare (WI4-5): In
BVF Left (WI4-5): Super thin

PIPE DREAM (WI 2-3/M2-3):  Mixed Conditions
Itchy & Scratchy (M2/3): No ice.
 Scratch and Sniff (M3):  Dry.


Fever, chills, headache.

I knew it was going around, but I was too cavalier about it.

December 9, 2011

Body Stats 12/9/11

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 163 lbs
BMI: 22.7 ('Normal')
% Bodyfat: 10.0%
Weekly Sleep Ave.: 7.7 hrs
Circumferences (cm):
  • R Forearm: 29.9
  • L Forearm: 29.0
  • R Bicep: 27.5
  • L Bicep: 26.5
  • Neck: 35.8
  • Chest (full inhale): 97.7
  • Waist (immediately below illiac crest): 83.3
  • Glutes: 95.0
  • R Quad: 54.5
  • L Quad: 54.8
  • R Calf: 39.1
  • L Calf: 39.7


I've been smoke free since Monday.  Spending lots of time in novel environments without behavior-triggering events and people has made not smoking very easy.  I've experienced only 2 or 3 real, hardcore cravings since Monday night.

This is also conclusion of week 1 of ski patrol.  The job is very physical, with tasks that emulate one-legged squats, holding a shallow squat for several minutes, deadlifting, punching bags, and others, all with the additional cold-stress. 

I anticipate that so long as I remain generally hydrated and I get enough sleep, this additional physical stress won't slow my training schedule and will also contribute to the 'toughness' aspect of training that can be hard to program for.

December 8, 2011


2 hours climbing, focus on onsighting, followed by
3 x 25 kettlebell swings #35.  At least 50% easier than the first time this exercise was performed.

December 4, 2011


Work on ski patrol begins tomorrow.  'On-hill training' for two weeks before they cut us rookies loose.

Training this week may be comprised of running toboggans and bootpacking.
2x ketllebell workout as on 12/2/11 will be additional goals.

That little bit of work is a surprising blast to the posterior chain-- sore from calves through glutes to shoulders.

December 2, 2011


One hour of bouldering at 70%
75 x 35# kettlebell swing.